Resources and Benefits

By registering for an assistance program at E-campus, you become eligible for many E-campus benefits and resources.

Computer and research tools

As a registered E-campus student you are eligible for discounts on computer hardware and software. Each student who registers at E-campus must own a not less than a dual core performance laptop which is provided on a hire purchase or differed payment system plus 24/7 network connection charged with an automatic billing of 20,000ugx per month.

You can also take advantage of some E-campus online library benefits, including access to Harvard Grossman Library and more than 3,000 electronic databases and journals through the E-campus libraries portal.

Academic aid

E-campus is a great place to get assistance with your coursework, find answers to grammar questions, work on structuring an essay, and get feedback on a thesis.

Money Management Resources

ASA’s online financial resource, SALT, offers unbiased articles and research, financial management learning modules, loan repayment tools, and more to help you make smarter financial choices.

SALT services are available free to all E-campus students.

Career advice

The carrier and academic resource center can help you strengthen your study skills or improve your résumé. Find job postings, attend free workshops, and get help preparing for graduate school and beyond.