Using Resources

Do you have the tools you need to help you reach your goals? What kinds of resources and services help you to excel at E-campus? How might you identify additional resources and make use of them?

Using Resources

Ecampus is committed to providing resources for students to support your academic success and to enhance your overall confidence and comfort as you navigate the university setting. At Ecampus we have a broad definition of "resources” that includes a range of services that might be of use to you at different points in your academic career. In addition to the offices and departments on campus (CAPS, Student Health Services, Academic Success Center, Office of Student Advocacy), individuals can be resources (your advisor, your instructors, a good friend, a classmate); technology can be a resource (MyDegrees, a website, your email), and even spaces (the library, the MU, the Quad), can be resources. Making use of these resources can be challenging at times because it involves recognizing that you might benefit from using a resource, finding a relevant resource, and learning how to make use of it. 

If you find yourself wondering about available resources, ask! Your academic advisor, professors, friends, and the faculty and staff working at many of the support offices are often happy to help you find a resource you’re looking for. You’re always welcome to call or stop by the Academic Success Center or Beth Ray Center for Academic Support!

While we’ve listed a range of resources available at Ecampus, also keep in mind the resources that you bring with you: the support of family and friends, your own motivation and determination, years of experience thinking and learning (in and out of school). These are all resources and strengths to draw from as you navigate your academic path at Ecampus.

As a student, you have a wide range of resources to make use of. Think creatively about your needs, and explore the available options to find resources that meet those needs. Below are some suggestions for how you might use a few of the resources. Here are some helpful tips for making the most of your resources:

Professors, Instructors, TAs

As a resource, professors and instructors provide the most direct link to the course content you’re studying. If you’re struggling in a class, have questions about material, or want to know more about a subject, your instructors are a great first contact for learning more.  Most teaching faculty have set office hours.  You can visit office hours to discuss anything, from questions about course content to recent grades/class performance.  Faculty may also know about internships and other academic opportunities in their department or field which may be available to you. It’s worth taking the time to get to know your professors.  Professors can be great mentors and strong advocates for you when you're seeking out a new opportunity in the field or requesting a reference for graduate school.  

Friends, Peers, Classmates

The students who surround you are an invaluable form of support for your academic success.  Your fellow students contribute greatly to your college experience. In an academic context, think of your fellow students as potential study partners or study group participants.  Study partners and groups are excellent resources, as you can collaborate together to understand and master course content.  Outside of academics, your fellow students provide you with rich opportunities to learn about people from varying backgrounds, to gain insight into other people's world view, and to develop strong relationships based on shared interests.

Campus Services, Programs & Offices

Ecampus has a wide range of services and programs on every campus. For many students, finding the right resource can be a challenging task.  If you find yourself wishing there was an office that did X, or a person to talk to about Y, contact the Academic Success Center.  We will do our best to help you connection with the most appropriate resource that can meet your individual needs. On this webpage we have academic resources listed in the menu above, and general success resources listed in the menu at the bottom of the page.

Technology – Websites & Apps

As a student at Ecampus, you are expected to navigate a range of websites and learning tools (Blackboard, myOSU, MyDegrees, Student Online Services) and to regularly check and use your email for university communication.  It takes time to learn how to use all of these different resources, but these tools are designed to improve your experience as a student and to increase your opportunities to engage with course content and learn in a variety of ways.  In addition to E-campus-specific technology, innovative technology continues to impact the learning, studying, and research habits of students, faculty and staff. If you’re interested, we encourage you to seek out learning apps, websites and videos, and other pieces of technology that improve your experience as a student.

Your Academic Advisor:

Academic advisors are trained professionals whose role is to help you navigate degree requirements, encourage reflection about educational interests, engage you in career preparation and planning, promote use of resources, and answer questions as you progress in your academic career. Each college has different requirements about how and when to meet with your advisor, but, as with other resources, you should be proactive in working with an academic advisor.  By establishing a relationship with your advisor and sharing your ideas and concerns with them, you can maintain a strong support network that will keep you on track as you progress through your degree requirements.